The continuous growth of @humanprogress in the world @CatoInstitute

The Cato Institute hosted a briefing from the Human Progress project last week, and has published the video of the event online.

The event title is quite clear on what has been going on in this world: “Don’t Worry, Be Happy: The Cato Institute’s HumanProgress Project”.

There are in fact many reasons for being very upbeat and happy of the developments we are witnessing on this planet, especially in the last 50 years. This image tells it all:

The event video will open your eyes on many truths which the catastrophists do not want you to know about. Enjoy the view!

After the video, proceed to the website and browse the data, and create the views you prefer. I am convinced you will be surprised by how good things are in today’s world.

And the good news is, there is always room for improvement!

@CatoEvents GMOs and the Future of the Global Food Supply and Medical Innovations

Last week The Cato Institute hosted a very interesting event dedicate to genetic engineering, event which I have yet to watch, but I am convinced that it will be a very interesting discussion.

Here is the link to the event: