Matt Ridley has done many great interviews about his book in the aftermath of the launch, my favorite ones being those with Alex Epstein and Yaron Brook, both very much worth listening to.
Now, Silicon Valley legend Naval Ravikant has released a great interview with Matt Ridley, really more of a discussion between two amazing clear thinkers, in two parts, both very much enjoyable.
Lots of interesting themes around innovation, crypto, how the state can thwart innovation, and where the next Silicon Valley might be located.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Part 1
Part 2
The transcripts of the discussion can be found here: Part 1 Part 2
In his book, Dr. Hardy makes the case for fasting, something that I had tried only once, and I was convinced to try it again. And thus a new habit was born three weeks ago, with my Wednesdays dedicated to a water-only fasting, from the moment I get up to when I wake up the following day, 24 hours of fasting just drinking a lot of water, and avoiding heavy exercise like running.
So far, so very good! I am happy of the outcome so far, and will keep the experiment running.
Yet, in his book Dr. Hardy makes the case of fasting from social media too, during the day of fasting. And this is the next exercise that I want to try.
As a matter of fact, I was further motivated by listening to this video on YouTube, which is ironic as I have discovered it from YouTube’s suggestions!
Will quitting social media change my life too? It’s definitely worth trying!
Also, Dave Rubin of “Rubin Report“ fame goes on a full social media fast for the whole month of August every year, an idea I have always liked, and put into practice a couple of years ago. But then I relapsed…
The time is NOW. This will be my last message on social media for one month. I will be back in mid-August, and am sure that everything will be very much the same in the social media world.
I will have an exception for podcasts I follow, and will strive to also avoid YouTube, though there is a LOT of great content on it!
The risk I run is that I will enjoy being off social media, and that I might NOT come back. Definitely a risk worth taking.